ObjectAda Development Environment for Solaris

Develop object-oriented applications in Ada 95

Thomson Software Products' ObjectAda compiler is one of the first commercially available compilers based on the new Ada 95 standard. ObjectAda allows for development in Ada 83 or development with the new object-oriented features adapted in the new Ada 95 standard. Ada 83 upward compatibility is a major benefit of ObjectAda.

ObjectAda is currently available for Sun SPARCstations running Solaris 2.3, 2.4, or 2.5.

ObjectAda Highlights

ObjectAda Features

Ada 95 Object-oriented Support

ObjectAda supports polymorhism and multiple inheritance by implementing the new Ada 95 object-oriented language features, including tagged types, child units, etc. But it also allows you to get started Ada 95 while protecting your Ada 83 investment. Through a switch selectable option, ObjectAda allows you to develop in either Ada 83 or Ada 95 object-oriented mode. ObjectAda is compliant with both Ada 83 (ISO 8652-1987 and ANSI MIL-STD 1815A) and the object-oriented features specified by the Ada 95 standard (ISO CD8654-1995).

Compilation System

Ada Compiler

The ObjectAda compiler delivers reliable compilation and portability across platforms. At the same time, each compiler is optimized to take full advantage of the Sparc architecture. The compiler includes a powerful diagnostic system that indicates the cause of errors and references the relevant sections of the LRM. For many errors, the compiler suggests corrective actions and provides details about the program elements involved, increasing the productivity of both novice and expert programmers.

Ada Binder

The Ada Binder keeps applications as small as possible through unused subprogram elimination. It supports the requirements of large projects by allowing multiple implementations of a program to be selected from alternative sets of compilation units.

Multi Library System (MLS)

The Multi Library System is a unique feature of ObjectAda that facilitates the development of large applications in distributed workgroup environments. The MLS supports both relational and hierarchical libraries. This unmatched flexibility lets developers choose between adapting their library structure to their project needs, or providing the simplest possible interface to the compiler. Regardless of library structure, explicit control over the library name space eliminates the possibility of erroneous program builds. The library roll back feature provides safe, easy recovery from accidental library updates.

Ada Runtime

The ObjectAda Runtime makes optimal use of Solaris to deliver performance and design flexibility. Ada tasks can be assigned to Solaris threads. Non-blocked I/O is facilitated through either threads assignment or built-in non-blocked I/O operations. In total, the runtime provides multitasking support, I/O packages, preemptive scheduling, zero-overhead exception handling, and memory management.

Development Tools for Enhanced Productivity

ObjectAda offers a full set of tools to help programmers manage, debug, and tune large-scale applications.

Support for Standards and Distributed Applications

ObjectAda includes standard Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for interfacing with the operating system and for developing X, OSF/Motif, and distributed applications.

Integration with CASE Tools

ObjectAda provides a comprehensive, well-integrated environment for developing complex Ada programs in an open systems framework. With the ability to seamlessly integrate presentation, control, and data integration tools, ObjectAda improves productivity during the entire development lifecycle.

TeleUSE and TeleUSE/Ada

To help developers create OSF/Motif GUIs for Ada applications, Thomson Software Products offers the TeleUSE user interface management system (UIMS). The presentation component is prototyped and coded using the WYSIWYG interface design tool. Dynamic callbacks are then rapidly designed and created using the Dialog Manager, or directly in Ada. Ada routines can easily be called directly from the Dialog Manager. TeleUSE/Ada can generate all of the application's GUI code in Ada. No C code is generated and a C compiler is not required to run the toolset. The generated Ada code uses STARS-compatible Ada bindings to interface to the X, Xt, and Motif library functions in C. TeleUSE/Ada also supports the option of generating C source code from the presentation and dialog layers, should you so desire.


Control integration lets tools in a development environment communicate with each other. The industry standard control integration mechanism is SoftBench from Hewlett-Packard, which provides tool communication through the Broadcast Message Server. Thomson Software Products' Ada/SoftBench adds Development Manager and Program Builder facilities to ObjectAda within the SoftBench framework. SoftBench Encapsulator extends Ada/SoftBench to include both commercial and customer-developed CASE tools that support SoftBench.

ClearCase for Ada

ClearCase for Ada combines Atria ClearCase - the industry's most popular configuration management system - with ObjectAda. ClearCase from Atria Software, Inc., is the premier software configuration management (SCM) system for today's heterogeneous environments. It addresses previously intractable problems, such as developing and maintaining multiple products concurrently, guaranteeing the accuracy of releases, rebuilding and patching previously shipped products, producing special releases, and creating an effective development process.

ClearCase for Ada includes the Atria ClearCase configuration management system and special integration technology that facilitates access to Thomson Software Products' Ada source files and libraries as versioned objects. The result is a robust, integrated system for Ada projects where team productivity and managed processes are key requirements.

Ada Open Interface (AOI)

The AOI product line provides standardized interfaces between data produced by the ObjectAda and external tools, including CASE tools and Software Engineering Environments (SEEs).

Platforms Available

Ada environments are available on the following native RISC-based UNIX platforms:

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